This post is a little late! Seems I have been having this problem of poor time management. It feels like I never have enough time to do everything! I know that sounds nuts being that I am able to be a stay at home mom for now, but I am telling you that I DO NOT know where the time goes! I washed my sheets yesterday and forgot they were still in the washer when bedtime rolled around... things like that! Maybe I need to start writing things down. ANYWAY, Ryan had his cardiology appointment for his murmur he was born with. He still has it but his EKG was fine and the murmur is considered a functional heart murmur. He may have it forever but it will not affect him. He also had a check up with his pediatrician. He is 27 lbs 13
ozs and 35 inches tall! He has only gained one pound in the last 2 months which is unusual for him but he is walking.. well running :).... now so he is burning those calories! He is doing so well and getting so big! Back to the whole where is time going thing... I can't believe my baby is 16 months old!